
Part 1 Interview for Benefits
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- Fill out an online questionnaire dynamically tailored to the details you provide. The interview process has 16 steps and should take approximately 20 minutes, if you have all of the requested information.
- Proceed to Part 2.
- Or, print out the blank forms and fill out any further details needed for the specific programs. (You may also save the information online for 60 days.)

Part 2 Complete Application
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- Review the existing information automatically filled in for each eligible program. This 3-step process will take approximately 5-10 minutes.
- Complete or edit the details online. Save any new information.
- Proceed to Part 3.
- Or print the blank forms and fill out missing details by hand.
After completing Parts 1 and 2, you may submit your application in person or mail it directly to the program headquarters. |

Part 3 Submit Application
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- Read all instructions for the specific programs; gather all proof documents indicated and assemble into a packet.
- Submit by Mail: Use the specific address for each program mentioned in the instructions.
- Or Submit in Person: Go to a community-based service center and walk through the process face-to-face with a caseworker.

Part 4 Receive Enrollment Decision and Documents
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- Receive eligibility and enrollment instructions by mail.
- Application and eligibility may take 30-45 days to process.