High Tech Programs Coming Soon to Jefferson MS & Amidon ES |
Written by Bonnie Cain
Friday, 28 March 2008 |
At the March 25th Jefferson Middle School PTA meeting, DCPS Chancellor Michelle Rhee explained what's in store for Jefferson and Amidon students, teachers and parents as their schools become high technology schools. She said that four DCPS schools will be transforming to high tech schools: our very own Amidon and Jefferson, as well as Whittier ES and Coolidge HS. The total program will take two or more years to fully establish. But by this coming fall:
- Staff from the Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO) staff will work at the schools teaching technology classes - Schools will be completely wired and internet accessible - Teachers will have professional development over the summer - Elementary students will have laptops - Middle school students will be approaching a one-to-one computer ratio Chancellor Rhee also said: - DCPS is negotiating with Microsoft to set up one of its "Revolutionary" tech schools. Apple and Cisco are also interested - DCPS is looking at the feeder pattern from Jefferson so that students can continue the high tech curriculum in high school - Sixth grade teachers are being encouraged to transfer with Amidon students - Special education students will have extensive attention through the new technology Chancellor Rhee expressed interest in working with parents and grandparents to keep them up to date so that they can support their kids at homes and she is exploring setting up classes for parents in high technology.
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Last Updated ( Friday, 28 March 2008 )